The Unplanned Party

Photo Credi t Today I threw a party. It wasn't planned. Actually...I didn't even want to throw it. This party had zero streamers. No cake. No presents. It had one attendee. Me. What kind of lame party is that? The pitiful kind. Literally. Today...I threw myself a pity party. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has days that make you want to throw up your hands in surrender. To grab any white napkin, tea towel, diaper or white pair of underpants from the laundry basket and wave that thing around. I just gave up. It could have been my pre-teen's refusal to follow my instructions for the umpteenth time about going to bed at a decent time and thus falling asleep on the couch at her sister's OT appointment. Which led to her not finishing her work for the day. Which led to her having to do it when we got home. Which led to her being bored and somehow turning, "don't let your backside leave this seat at the table" into ...