Unshelving Hope

Over the past week or so, I have been watching the Kony 2012 Saga unfold. At the onset of everything, when the Invisible Children organization posted up the Kony 2012 video on YouTube, I was intrigued. I heard the filmmakers talk about the atrocities in Central Africa and how it came to be that they would choose to make such a brilliant piece of propaganda -- a last ditch hope to do bring about change and hope and something that all their previous work was not able to accomplish. I caught their vision of making Kony a household name to be reviled -- and hopefully that awareness that would bring about the change they so desperately wanted for the people of those afflicted African countries. The radical idea "that where you live shouldn't determine whether you live." I raised my fist in solidarity. After all, I too have been affected by the stories of loved ones (namely my father) who have traveled to that part of the world and have witnes...