Dream Saga Series: Oh for Grace...

One of the most frustrating things about the "human condition" is our seeming inability at times to get out of a crazy cycle. Sometimes we do things the same way for so long that it becomes ingrained. I say this. He says that. Then I do this, and he does that. So, again, I say this..... You see how it goes. If we do this enough we create a whirlpool that starts to run on its own steam. And our very participation in that whirlpool keeps it going. It takes extraordinary effort to either a.) swim against the current and go with other way, or b.) swim out of the whirpool altogether into the unchartered calm water of the vast unknown. The truth is that it can be easier to just stay in the pattern we know when the ocean looms wild and deep. But even though it may take less effort to just stay stuck and go with that crazy current, inside we die a bit more each day. Because the truth is...we really don't want to be a slave to the whirlpool. ...